Author: TadhgC

  • GAA commentator launches county jersey for frontline workers A GAA radio commentator in Galway has launched a county jersey initiative to acknowledge the efforts of frontline workers. Tommy Devane, a GAA commentator with Galway Bay FM, has asked all 32 counties to supply a county jersey, along with a short message of thanks to the country’s “tireless” frontline staff. Each jersey and…

  • SFAI Goodson Cup Final 2014

  • Galway firms contribute to environmental sustainability

    From an article in the Galway Advertiser Two Galway companies have been commended at this year’s annual Small Firms Association Awards. Langan Couriers and Mayday Express, both Galway members for The Pallet Network, were awarded highly commended in the environmental sustainability category at this year’s awards. Certificates of commendation were presented to TPN by…

  • Trucker’s Drive Time Slashed THE first trucker through the Port Tunnel said last night he couldn’t believe how it slashed his journey time around the city. He predicted that truck drivers would use the tunnel from now on. John McGann from Ardrahan, Co Galway, a driver with Langan Couriers, Oranmore said it took him just 17 minutes to…

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